Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Nova Scotia - September 26/14 - Joggins Fossil Cliffs

Friday, September 26

Once on the road we made our way to the Joggins Fossil Cliffs, another UNESCO site. It was an area representing the pre-mammal and pre-dinosaur period, known as the Coal Age. Too bad we are not very knowledgeable in the geology department. This area is a dream for those in the know.

Advocate Harbour

Tide Bound waiting for ?

The whole bay almost completely drained.

Never saw a green channel buoy resting on the bottom before.

Tours were given, but we came too late to take one in since it was high tide soon and the shore would be under water.

Can't shed any light on the rock formations, so the photos will have to do.

The vertical rock was a tree trunk.

Amazing shapes and colours

Prehistoric insect?

After the rockhound experience, we crossed the boarder into New Brunswick and made our way to this campground for the night. It's located very close to the Hopewell  Rocks, which is on tomorrow's agenda.

A little stroll in the campground next to the bay. 

Two Pleasure Ways parked together. The new Pursuit is owned by Jim and Lauren, a couple from Cayuga, whom we had the pleasure of meeting a few times along the way and staying together here.

A happy camper

Jim and Lauren and a couple from Germany sharing travel stories. 

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