Friday, October 17, 2014

Nova Scotia - September 19/14 - Peggy's Cove - Halifax

Friday, September 19

After spending a night at Wayside Campground we were ready for Peggy's Cove, which we heard is a must see. It was a very windy, cold day and we weren't prepared for the hordes of people scurrying around the rocks and lighthouse. Found out that there were three cruise ships in Halifax. Guess everyone wants to see it. Because of the wind, cold and the crowds, we didn't linger there too long. Made our way to Halifax and all the sights it has to offer. We parked right across the road from Pier 21 and harbourfront.

Certainly not your usual front yard decoration. This local is well know for wanting to share stories about the area.

Wow, that is one powerful mural. 

Just before getting to Peggy's Cove, I happened to spot this boat on a mooring,
it's a Tanzer 29, the same make of boat we had for 20 years and just sold this spring.
Miss the sailing part this summer, but our land experiences now are a great substitute. 

We made a stop at the Swissair Flight 111 memorial at Peggy's Cove. How sad that was.

How many times has this been photographed?

No people here, yeah right....

.....the busiest place we've been to

This is what it looks like when three cruise ships arrive in Halifax.

Low angle shots will eliminate the crowds

Happy to get out of the wind and away from the masses.

The mandatory couple shot.

Time to explore the capital of Nova Scotia.

Statue honouring Samuel Cunard

The seaport sees all sizes of vessels

We took a tour of the HMCS Sackville, last of the 269 Corvettes built during WWll. Their main purpose was to protect the harbours and help to defend convoys of larger ships.

Depth charges 

More sailing tours

The kids would have loved to see Theodore Too

Restoration and building of new boats take place at the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic. It was too late in the day
to take the full tour.

As you can see, it was a very windy day with gusts to around 90 km/hr.

Lens used in lighthouses.

We needed a place for the night, so when we happened to see this parking
sign and saw that there was free parking after 6p.m. and all weekend, we were home.
Spoke with a security guard and no problem staying there. Great!!

Parking lot view....

....and view of our "camp site" for two free nights. Couldn't be better.

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