Friday, October 24, 2014

New Brunswick - September 30/14 - Reversing Falls, St. John

Tuesday, September 30

After a quick drive through St. John we made our way to the Reversing Falls, which are the areas main attraction. Plenty of busses there since a cruise ship was in port.

A cool and misty morning as we made our way through the mountainous drive to St. John.

The Norwegian Gem was in port and we knew what to expect the the Reversing Falls.

We were able to drive right up to the river and had lunch and wait for the crowd to thin out.

At low tide, the St. John River rushes out into the bay, creating rapids.

As the tide comes back in, it pushes the water back up-river, all the way to Fredericton. The sailboat is just crawling into the strong current.

Rapids start to form again, but going the other way. We didn't stay too long since rain had moved in.

The massive pulp and paper mill across the river, just doesn't seem to add to the setting.


Grace began to feel the onset of an earache and thought it would be prudent to have it checked out here in
St. Stephen, before we crossed the boarder into Maine tomorrow morning.

After having it checked out by a doctor, we asked permission to stay in the parking lot overnight, in case anything developed. It was evening and we were looking for a place to stay, so this worked out perfectly.  Free is good. 

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