Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Nova Scotia - September 24-25/14 - Old Shipyard Campground - Cape d'Or

Wednesday, September 24

Lucked out on a super little campground right on the bay. Just a strip along the beach, but what a view.
The next day we drove to the Cape d'Or Lighthouse, where the powerful rip tides were just amazing.

We drove by here in the dark and saw firefighters inside, so pulled in and just asked if we might be able to spend the night there. No problem and we had a nice chat with one of the volunteers.

Learned about this market from a firefighter and did our shopping here.

This is part of the market and sells fresh fish. Purchased a smoked mackerel and some fresh haddock.

A little stop along the way.

The park consists of five islands, hence the name.

This island is privately owned but is open to visiting artists.

A colourful carpet of dormant blueberries

Fields were everywhere
Blue heron

Yup, just as the sign says.

The campground stretches from PeeWee to the last camper on the right. What a find.

Looking the other way down the beach

You could walk for miles in this direction once the tide is out.

Took a long walk along the beach and more and more of the bottom was revealed on the return trip.

This is Cape Split that we could also see from Hall's Harbour, on the other side of the bay.

Seaweed drapes the rocks at low tide

At high tide, the water is 50 feet from the camp and a quarter mile out at low tide. 

Great for just wandering and looking for treasures

The tiny white dots on the right of the island is Hall's Harbour.

So nice to have a carpet of grass. What a view.

Thursday, September 25
A former lighthouse at Cape d'Or

Perfect spot to have lunch before hiking down to the lighthouse.

Healthy for sure.

The active lighthouse at Cape d'Or

It was extremely windy and Grace wanted to get airborne

This area on the cape has some very extreme rip currents.

Stayed as long a we felt comfortable before hiking back up the steep hill.

The front building is a restaurant which was highly recommended but unfortunately it was closed for the season.

View from the top of the lighthouse

We could have stayed longer but time to move on, lots to see yet.

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