Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Yuma, Arizona

Sunday, January 26, 2014

It was time to leave the RV park and say our goodbyes again to Kevin and Debbie. We made our way to the vistor centre in Yuma, Arizona. We were in luck, as they had their yearly Civil War re-enactment - cannon fire and guns galore. Grace was running for the earplugs. There was also the Sunday farmers market at the Quartermaster Depot, all at the same spot. Got some vegies and then walked along the historic riverfront district along the Colorado River to the Yuma Territorail Prison State Historic Park. Took the tour and learned about the hard lives the prisoners had. It ran 1876 to 1909, and housed 3,069 inmates, male and 6 females. After it’s closure, it was used as a highschool (as the one in town burned down), housed families during the depression and was used in the movie industry.
Then to Martha’s Gardens Date Farm where we had first ever date shake, very sweet, and purchased some Medjool dates, grown on the farm. Stopped at The Tiny Church, it sure was. Ended the day back at Quartzite in the desert. We were pooched after the full but fun day.

This is the area we spent most of the day.

A small museum at the visitor centre

The calm before the battle

Under siege

Loading canon.....


Close combat

And the canons boomed

A break from the action

Soldier explains the workings of the Gatling gun.

Fresh local produce

Wagon used by prisoners to haul stones

The old model T

A little too big for our sailboat. It was used on a steamboat plying the
Colorado River.

Not too fresh anymore

Walking the riverfront to the prison

Waiting for the green light

Taking the prison tour - very informative

Not the Holiday Inn suites

The steel base remains of the cage, in the "dark cell"
was the maximum punishment prisoners could get.

Corridor of prison cells

Another two years and I'll be pardoned

Twelve prisoners to a cell

This was the name of the Yuma high school football team, since the school
was held in the prison after the one in town burned down. 

History of the inmates and the prison

One set of opinions.....

......and the other

Prison portrait photography equipment

Photo and artifacts from the early days

A model of the prison layout

Prison grounds as they are now

Quite sure it wasn't this way then

Graveyard where prisoners were buried

On a 'date' .... farm

Date palms at Martha's Gardens Date Farm

Guess what they sell here?

The much awaited date shake

Grace goes into The Tiny Church
along I-95.....

......and reaching to empty pews

A size comparison

Back at Quartzite for another very quite night

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