Saturday, January 25, 2014

Palm Canyon, Kofa National Wildlife Refuge, Arizona

Wednesday, January 22, 2014 to Thursday, January 23, 2014

After saying our goodbyes at Quartzite, it was only a 45 minute drive to the Kofa National Wildlife Refuge, where we were looking forward to hiking the Palm Canyon Trail. A small cluster of Fan Palms were tucked away in a narrow rugged canyon wall. We spent one night at the foot of the canyon wall, alone, with the closest camper being 4 miles away down in the desert. It was a magical experience.

Entering the refuge with the canyon we hiked and stayed at, in the background

A small winding dirt road leads to the base of the canyon. Because of the
washboard road, it was a 5 mile per hour drive for the 7 miles in off the highway.

This site is a very popular spot during the day.

Working our way up-hill on the trail

Looking back down the canyon to our parking spot and the desert

End of the canyon

The cluster of California Fan Palms can be seen at centre - right,  above the shadow.

Tucked into the canyon edge, one wonders how they survive.

Looking back out across the La Posa Plains, to the Dome Rock Mountains,
30 miles away

A solitary Saguaro cactus, half way up the cliff wall

We're calling it the toothpick cactus for now- proper name to come

Don't mess with these guys!

The Ocotillo cactus

A happy hiker

A desert gecko

Mountain bathed in warm tones 
Our prime location for the night. 

Golden hues dominate temporarily.... the rapidly changing remaining light

What a backdrop!

A dramatic days end!

PeeWee all alone in the wild

Jupiter is the first planet to appear over the canyon walls

Not a sound could be heard all night

Long shadows were cast in the early morning light

Distant mountains sculpted in morning light

Teddybear Cholla cactus dominated the desert landscape.

Buds? Flowers? of the Teddybears

Cluster of cactus

A last look back at our special overnight site - a true boondocking experience

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You two look like you are having a great time. Hugs to both of you. Jeff and Louise