Friday, January 24, 2014

Quartzite, Arizona

January 17-22, 2014

As planned, we pulled into Quartzite, Arizona, at noon on Friday, January 17. We paid our $40.00 fee which would allow us to stay for up to two weeks. What a mass of desert rats, dwelling in RV’s of all shapes and sizes, parked anywhere and everywhere. Our GPS directed us to within 50 yards of where Kevin and Debbie had a large enough site for them, us and two other couples. Surprisingly, the setting was quiet and peaceful, but very dusty! The days went by so quickly - we shopped at the market, hiked 6 miles to Q mountain and beyond, took in the RV show and 100’s of vendors during the daytime. In the evenings we were entertained by professional singers near our site, as we shared stories around the campfire - quite necessary as the temperature dropped drastically after sunset. Every day it was sunny and warm with a light breeze. It was quite the experience to share this with over 10,000 other RVrs in the desert setting. What a great time we had!

Entrance to our camping area

Hitting the vendor scene

Kevin and Debbie's rig with ours behind

Social time

This was our camping foursome

Kevin and Debbie hosted our first night's supper. So nice and delicious.

Wine for all. Cheers!

Night light

Stars galore

A campfire and great live music made our first night memorable.
The BBQ'd chicken sure smelled and looked tempting

People everywhere

Food for any appetite

Guess beer and guns don't mix

Debbie and Grace on a hat search

Inside the big RV tent

R & R after the shopping (looking) expedition

Nope, that's not mist or fog, it's dust, hanging in the still air. 

Remains of an old gold mine

Off to conquer the mountain in the distance with Kevin, Grace, Tony and myself

Don't walk into these guys

Break time

View of Q mountain with partial mass of RVs behind

A very small cactus

This was as high as we could get, since no trail led to the top of the mountain.

Grace, Kevin and Tony scoping out the surroundings

Prickly pear cactus

Following the narrow trail an getting further from our camp

ATVing is a very popular sport. Trails are everywhere in mountains and desert.
Saguaro cactus

Steep climb to the top of Q mountain 

Looking down on our camp sites. Arrow shows PeeWee's spot.

Conquering the summit felt very rewarding.

The partial expanse of desert behind us shows how large the camping area
 spreads out.
Making our way off the mountain

An old prospector at abandoned gold mine

Vegetation along a dried out flash-flood river bed

Sharing stories

Ron's pens are beautifully hand crafted and are for sale.

Our section of dusty paradise

Somebody has a sense of humour

Outdoor train display - choo, choo

This patriotic flyer made a daily appearance

Dramatic evening sky

Was up before the sun rose over the mountains

A group photo of all before we left. Ron and Patsy, from Terrace, B.C,
Colleen and Tony, from Walkerton, ON, Debbie and Kevin from Waterloo, ON
and ourselves

Colleen and Tony

Ron and Patsy

Debbie and Kevin

Guess who?

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