Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Davis Mountains State Park to Hueco Tanks State Park, Texas

Monday, January 13, 2014

Left Davis Mountains S.P. later in the morning after updating blog. Stopped at the McDonald Observatory where two mirrored telescopes were in use by scientist from around the world. The biggest was 107". Crossed a time zone and are now on Mountain time, two hours difference from home. Arrived at the Hueco Tanks (meaning hollow water holes) State Park, Texas. We had to view a mandatory video on the park because of it's ecological sensitivity and it is sacred ground to the Indians. Only a small part of the park can be hiked without a guide. A small park with 16 sites, but spectacular massive rocks. Expecting a coooold night.

Acorn woodpecker

Western scrub jay

They sure expect high waters to run
through the park during flash floods.

Leaving the park

The Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET) at the McDonald Observatory

Some of the many mirrors in the telescope

A little explanation

The 107" Harlan J. Smith telescope

At the highest point on the Texas highways

Talk about an open stretch of highway. This is how it looked in all directions.
Saw only 3 cars in the almost hour drive.

View of the two telescopes from a distance

Name to come

Our site at Hueco Tanks State Park

Setting sun on the mountains from back window in PeeWee

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