Thursday, January 16, 2014

Hueco Tanks State Park, Texas to Deming, New Mexico

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

After another freezing night, the early morning walk sure was painful on the ears.
After leaving campsite, we spent about an hour and a half scrambling the massive rocks on North Mountain in the park, the only one not requiring a guide. Then made our way to another Walmart stay in Deming, New Mexico.

Tucked up against the mountain

Not your typical water tap

Grace closes the gate to the campground on our way out. 

Grace was hoping to spot some. Not!

Original stones from the famous Butterfield Stagecoach station.
It traveled from St. Louis to San Francisco - a route that took about
three weeks.

A cave opening with pictographs

One of many on the stone walls

(name to come)

The boulders were very popular for climbers who had
to bring along their own "crash" pads.

Just to give you the size comparison

The climb up was very steep, thank goodness there was a chain to hold on to.

Almost at the top. PeeWee down below

These young climbers had been in the park for 10 weeks and loving every minute.

No pad. He better have a good grip.

Going for the top, well it was just a thought.

A tight spot to squeeze through

Thriving in any condition

This was another designated climbing area

No trail here

These depressions, referred to as tanks and fill with water when it rains.

It was time to leave the rock pile behind and make the next state.

A great courtyard at the New Mexico visitor centre.....

.... and a comfortable overnight stop maybe another time

Entered our first state inspection station. Dogs are used to sniff out any drugs.
They waved us through.

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