Monday, January 13, 2014

Davis Mountains State Park

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Made our way from Walmart in Fort Stockton, Texas, to Davis Mountains State Park. A short 2.5 hour, 93 mile drive with little traffic. Spent two nights at the park. did a 3 mile hike up the mountains and another 4 mile hike the next day. Sunday was the first day of our trip where no miles were put on PeeWee. Lots of wildlife, birds, great weather and fantastic views. A great park.

Our first sighting of a roadrunner...beep, beep

Traveling the Texas Mountain Trail on route to Davis Mountains State Park

Arrived at our site in time for an outdoor lunch

Nice to finally be able to enjoy the warm outdoors

(name to follow)

Poster explains the reason for prescribed fires in the park

Off on our first rugged mountain trail hike

View of the park, with PeeWee on bottom left

Close to reaching the top of Davis Mountain

Grace adds her contribution the the stone pile at the top

Amazing view as far as the eye can see in any direction

Looking down on Indian Lodge which was built in the 1930's by the
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC). This full service hotel is modeled
after southwestern Indian pueblos and has walls more than 18 inches thick.

Winding our way down the mountain

New growth from the old

Taking a breather at the lodge

Old adobe style building, with the ridge we hiked, in the background

Beautiful wood interior

Back at camp in time for happy hour

Two deer passed through camp, ending a perfect day

Sunday, January 12, 2014

The day started with an early visit by three Javelinas (wild pigs)

Checking for leftovers; it pays to keep a clean campsite!

First morning light

Bird viewing window from inside the Interpretive Centre, a hub of acitivity

View of camp from the Skyline Drive Trail. X (bottom right) marks our camp.
Yesterday we hiked the full opposite ridge, from right to left

Rugged trail, fantastic view

What happened to the trail?

Our days hike is marked in red, a length of about 4 miles

On the home stretch with our camp on far top right

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