Friday, August 29, 2014

Newfoundland - August 25-26/14 - Lomond NP

Monday, August 25

Today was a dull and drizzly day, so spent till 2:45 getting caught up on blog at the campground shelter. Made our way to Lomond NP in Gros Morne and just relaxed. Finished watching the House of Cards series. Had a nice spot overlooking the East Arm of Bonne Bay. Down early. No photos today.

Tuesday, August 26

Room with a view

Time to stretch our legs with a 4km hike to Stanleyville, a former logging village that existed in the early 1900's.

Trail map

Hard to believe there was a community here that thrived for 50 years. The lumber was shipped to Britain for the boat

All that remained are two large pieces of machinery. 

Think this is party of a boiler

Everything has been reclaimed by nature

Not quite fast enough to capture this bald eagle making his catch. All I heard was
a loud swoosh as it plucked the fish from the water. 

What a serene place to relax and in the comfort of these red chairs to boot.
We spent almost an hour just taking in the solitude of this little bay.

Spotted this woodpecker along the trail

Time for supper

This jay helped himself to some bread. they sure weren't shy.

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