Thursday, August 28, 2014

Newfoundland - August 23/14 - Western Brook Pond

Today the weather is perfect for hiking into Western Brook Pond to see the fjords. We talked about taking the tour boat but decided the 8km hike (plus the 6km getting to the trail and back) that came close to the mountains was more to our liking.

Saturday, August 23

The trail we would take would get us near the base of the mountain on the (middle) left.

Tour boats would take you right to the end of the fjord.

The trail we took ended at Snug Harbour. Note the warning about the river.

The trail was not your average one.

Yes, you have to wade the river but there is a rope that you can (sort of) hold on to. The water was cool but refreshing.

Carefully placed bare feet on the stones, made for a slow crossing. We both stayed dry.

This is the river that flows out of Western Brook Pond

Tour boat filled with passengers. They are almost always full during the prime time in the summer.

The trail certainly is as well travelled as most. 

Bunchberries are everwhere

Trail opens onto a beach before heading back into the bush.

These grew right out of a tree trunk.

Getting closer to the base of the mountain. We saw a family of loons here.

Made it this far.

What a peaceful setting this was. There is a campsite here for those who want to spend a night or two. These usually have to be booked a year ahead. Very popular because it's so remote.

I think the expression tells it all. Now we have to make it all the way back.

Oh yes, they also warn you about the very muddy sections along the trail.

The raspberries take your mind of the treck

Some fancy footwork required the keep from getting soaked. 

Local wildlife. We did see a moose across one of the bays but was a long way off.

Yup, you also have to wade the river on the way back. Quite deep with a bit of a current. Good foot work Grace.

Both kept dry again. Had to protect camera and cell phone, just in case.

Once across the river, the trail makes a dramatic change, since this part is more
popular, with crossing the river.

A well maintained boardwalk leads through the bog.

Nature's art work

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