Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Newfoundland - August 12-14/14

Tuesday, August 12

We arrived at the ferry dock in North Sydney where we took the ferry to Newfoundland. It was a very calm day, so the crossing was just perfect. We heard horror stories about some other crossings. We were ready to explore our new destination.

After a night at WM in Sydney, we were in line for the ferry by 9 a.m., ready for the 11:45 a.m. crossing to Port aux Basques, Newfoundland.

It was just amazing how they loaded trailer after trailer on the ferry. It was the Blue Putees, named after a regiment from Nova Scotia who fought in WW1.

Another ferry that just came in to port.

Every kind of vehicle was on board.

Even had it's own helipad

Leaving the port in North Sydney, NS

Cliff dwellings

A church always stands out.

Another ferry passing by, they are all owned by  Maritime Atlantic.

It was a very calm crossing, thank goodness. Just entering the tight channel into the Port aux Basques harbour.

The boat had to do a 180 degree turn to back it in.

The entrance to the harbour

We have arrived!

This is the same spot where we tied up Mokum, the sailboat I helped crew, from Quebec City to St. John's. This was the first stop in Newfoundland after crossing from 

We're officially here, after years of planning.

View from the visitor centre

Our first provincial park.

A perfect site with...

....only a few steps to the riverbed.

Bottle washer plants

Low tide in the river mouth.

Soft and fuzzy
Wednesday, August 13

Another provincial park near Lark Harbour.

Had a great site on the beach, recommended by friends Valarie and Brian. 

At the start of hiking trails

A quick trip to the top of the mountain so we could see the setting sun over the gulf.

View over the bay we were on and....

...and a super view of the setting sun on the other side.

A small lookout with a big view.
Thursday, August 14

Beach breakfast

Was time to get the bikes off the rack and tour the local harbours and villages.

On the hard between fishing seasons

A nice lunch stop at Marleaine's

Lark Harbour was one of the place for filming this movie.

The Viking ship that was partly burned in the movie, now has a permanent spot in the village.

Boats are kept high and dry when not in use.

Orange is the colour of choice, so they can be easily spotted it need be.

Grace chats it up with Brooklynn, a fisherman's daughter.

Yamaha seems to be the motor of choice here.

A very picturesque little fishing harbour.

Time to make our way back to camp. It certainly wasn't a level bike ride, plenty of big hills, some of which we walked. We'll blame it on the strong wind.

Stairs leading from the beach to the trails, were built almost in and under the rocks.

Last hike down the stairs on the way back to PeeWee

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