Monday, August 25, 2014

Newfoundland - August 18-19/14 - Arches NP to St. Anthony

Today was a drive from our camp site at Green Point NP to Port au Choix for the night with a stop along the way at the Arches Provincial Park and then on to St. Anthony.

Monday, August 18

Dramatic lighting, low tide and a boat that won't float again, at Parson's Pond. 

The arches are the result of years of surf pounding and carving away the ancient limestone.

The happy couple

How long will this hold up the rock formation?

How can I get up there?

Drying the net

Point Riche Lighthouse

French oven. Missed the bread making demonstration

Our boondocking site for the night between Port au Choix and Port Saunders. Very quiet night.

Tuesday, August 19

Very foggy, rainy day at St. Anthony

Looking back into town from Fishing Point Lighthouse. Very windy, cold and foggy.

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