Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Newfoundland - August 20/14 - St. Anthony

Wednesday, August 20

The weather was still quite foggy, but made the most of it by hiking the trails at Fishing Point, a great spot to view the Atlantic, on a clear day. The light was soft and great for photography.

High and dry. We woke to a very foggy morning. 

Tucked in between the boats at the Port Wharf, where we spent two nights. Boondocking at it's best. Very quiet.

From the rough looking shrimp boats....


....very well cared for.

Chatted with these fishermen about the shrimp industry. It's a very tough business, as they go out in all kinds of
weather, foggy, windy or raining. They go off-shore for 100 miles and stay out several days.

Moose antler carvings

Stopped in at the historic Grenfell Museum, which is dedicated to Dr. Wilfred Grenfell, who made tremendous medical contributions to this area.

Boardwalks and trails wove throughout Fishing Point.

A great place to spot icebergs if the weather is clear.

Happened to meet again with Linda and Charlie, a very nice couple from Maine.

"Lief's Camp", a reconstructed sod hut at Fishing Point, which holds a dinner theatre, showing a lighthearted
look at Viking life.

Can never get enough of seeing the Bunchberries

A tour boat went out in the fog and windy conditions.

What a rough coastline

We hiked several of the trails leading along the Atlantic. 

So many places to hike.

The wind whipped up the waves

A shrimp boat heading out for a couple of days

Artist painting the foggy coast

We were lucky to spot this silver fox on a trail, but....

....soon found out the the female fox wasn't that shy. She only had one front leg and was being fed scraps from the
restaurant at the point.

Was told that she had young ones

Treated ourselves to a traditional supper at the local Legion in St. Anthony. Grace had a jiggs dinner, consisting of
potatoes, salt beef, cabbage, mashed peas, turnip, carrots, bread pudding and mustard pickles. Simple, but so tasty.

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