Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Rob and Val Visit in Fountain Hills, AZ

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Said our goodbyes and were off to meet two more friends, Rob and Val who are down from Alberta to winter in Fountain Hills. north of Phoenix. Val served tea and treats as we chatted about how we so miss the snow. NOT. Took a hike around a large lake in town and the trail that sourrounds it. A huge fountain shoots up every hour for 15 minutes. Quite the homes here. Had an invitation for supper, thanks, but it would have been too late to travel to the casino where we intended to stay at night, near Scottsdale. Don’t like driving in the dark, when you don’t  know the arear. Rob and I both missed our annual Algonquin ski trip this year. Arrived at the Talking Stik Resort after dark and signed in at the casion for the free night. Not your average place, a 5 star resort, with fireworks after dark to boot. Yes!

Val, Grace and Rob, overlooking the lake and fountain that shoots high every hour

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Checking the view along the trail

Beautiful contrast

Not your typical house design

Picture perfect park, as was the whole city

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