Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Desert Botanical Gardens in Scottsdale, AZ

Friday, February 7, 2014

Day’s destination is the Desert Botanical Garden in Scottsdale. The $20 admission price was certainly worth it. The huge exhibit of thousands of cacti and succulent plants was interspersed by phenomenal glass sculptures made by Chihuly, a world reknowned glass blower. The vivid colours of the artwork was outstanding in the natural daylight but was even more enhanced when lit up at night. We spent the entire day wandering the trails, spotting hummingbirds, Gamble’s Quails (our first sighting), and other birds. (Get ready for a slew of photos - most without info, but none needed)

Entrance to resort - casino

Our location for a two night stay

Cactus house with a view

Glass art work by Chihuly was throughout the gardens

Building with exhibits and books on artist Chihuly

Our first sighting of Gamble's Quails among the cacti

Those are some big Suguaros

Contrast and shape

Just past high noon on this sundial clock

A reflective moment

Hungry hummingbird

Extremely large glass art work

Grace grinding seeds to make a sweet flour, from 'tree of life'

Our next winter home?

Floating art

Beluga whale glass art

We had to do the tourist thing

Curious ground squirrel

Quails everywhere

So, what ya got for me?

This cactus keeps a lot of critters happy

The old man cactus - what's your first clue?

Two other pieces of fine art

Evening song

Art work is lit at night

At entrance to garden

Even the mountain has art work that is lit at night. Must be quite the sight when flying into Phoenix

End to another perfect day

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