Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Burro Creek Camp State Park, AZ

Saturday, February 1 and Sunday, February, 2, 2014

After coffee, showers, taking on water and emptying tank, filling up propane, gas and doing some Wally groceries, we were on our way toward Wickenburg on Highway 93. No plans where to stay yet, so when we saw a sign for this camp, we decided to check it out and what a find it was. Payed for two nights. The view was fantastic and there were only a couple other campers there. The second day it was cooler which made it for perfect hiking conditions. And hike we did. Gone for about three hours and almost 3 miles, but they certainly tested our footing skills as we made our way down a very steep wall to the creek below. Felt proud of our accomplishment and lucky to have made it down without incident. Relaxed, took in the view and had a great BBQ to finish the day.

Our great find for a two night stay

Amazing site on the hill overlooking the cliffs across the Borro Crek

Settled in 

Across the creek

Very layered rock

The bridge span over Burro Creek that we crossed earlier

Last sunlight on the mountais

He stared us down

That's why there is a fence around the camp

Up before the sunrise to catch the first rays of the morning

This was one of the few places we had actually seen water in a stream

Looking back to the campground

They even had a small desert garden with a variety of cacti

A 'soldier' on cliff edge 

A great view of the bridge, creek and the campground. We're at the arrow.

Tucked into the hillside

Grace saw a can under stones and saw that it was a geocash tin,  people
 find these using a GPS. 

Worked our way along the rim for a few miles and had this great view.

One could walk anywhere but had to be very conscious of the 'biting' cacti

Definite line in the rocks

Perfect spot to rest and take it all in

We're liken the lichen

Perched on the edge

Some of the saguaros can weigh up to 6 tons.

That's some prickly fish-hook cactus

This round hole in the rock was formed by stones swirling in the water before it ran
over the edge.

These feet were made for walking

Grace shares a moment with a silent friend

Instead of taking a very long walk back to camp, we decided to make a steep vertical descent down the cliff.
Every step had to be planted firmly without slipping on the loose rock.

Didn't want to start on this part

This was our way down to the creek. Very steep and not the best footing.

It was one step at a time

Almost at the bottom

Bone remains from someone that didn't make it?

A beaver that couldn't make up his mind on where to chew!

Next challenge was to keep our feet dry as we had to find a way across the creek

The bamboo pole sure came in handy here. No splash this time. Whew!

Always had an eye for that special rock

Someone had a sense of humour. A desert snowman?

Even had our own path to the washroom

Our decent route was on the right, just below the power lines

These two guys were soaking up the sun to keep warm on this cool day. Masters of blending in.

Almost BBQ time!
A Saguaro sunset

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mom was over and she saw ALL your awesome photos. She says Hi. they are all beautiful :)