Saturday, March 15, 2014

Judge Roy Bean - Visitor Centre, Texas

Sunday, March 9, 2014

After making our way up and out of Chisos Basin and stopping at the Big Bend Headquarters, we had a long drive out of the desert and then made at stop at Langtry to take in the Judge Roy Bean Saloon and Museum Visitor Centre. A beautiful little but very well done cactus garden and the buildings where the judge was known as 'the law west of Pasos'. Ended the day in Del Rio at the Holiday Trav-L-Park.
Needed a good rest that night.

We noticed that as we left the Chisos Mountains, the campground is fully booked. Lucky we arrived before
the major Spring Break rush started.

The green area with the red line in it is where the campground was. The model shows the mountain range and
desert area we were in.

Lupins were in full bloom along the roadsides.

Judge Roy Bean Visitor Centre in Landtry, Texas

The bar where the judge served whisky and his style of harsh justice.

Inside the Jersey Lilly bar

He named this the Opera House, but it was just his own residence.

Walking the grounds

This is what was used to draw water from the ground on the old homesteads
and farms. It was shipped as a kit.

A nice variety of cacti were shown in the small garden.

A great visitor centre in a small town.

 A river flowing into the Rio Grande

Our spot for the night at the Holiday Trav-L-Park in Del Rio.

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