Saturday, March 8, 2014

Carlsbad Caverns, New Mexico

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

After being alone at the BLM site last night, it was time to explore the must see Carlsbad Caverns. On the way in, we surprised a group of big horned sheep. Arrived there by 9:30 am and had a fantastic almost four hour underground experience. It was very mystical as it seemed like another world. The sculpted and formed features were truly works of wonder. It was hard to convey the scale of things in a photo. There were two-and-a-half miles of walkways at a depth of over 750 feet down. We chose to walk the steep incline to the cave, but sure were happy to take the elevator back up. There would be so much information to write about the wonders of this cave, but time doesn't allow us to go deep into the details. You'd have to look it up yourself if interested.
Ended the day at the Desert Willow RV Park in Van Horn. It was time for laundry and showers!!!!

Our quiet BLM site in the desert

Which big horned sheep pushed the panic button?

Hey, don't leave me behind.

All is calm again

The seating at the entrance to the cave is for viewing the bats as they leave by the tens of thousands during
the spring to the fall season before heading back to Mexico for the winter.

Closer to the entry.

Then the steep winding decent into the cave. It's 750 feet down to 2.5 miles of walkways exploring the caverns.

The walkway is paved but dimly lit.

Sure glad we didn't have to use the stairs as they did in the 30's.

The lighting was very creatively used.

Colour adds to the visual experience.

This is the only active growing (?) in the caves.

Grace in the photo helps to give a better scale to the size of the caverns.

A restaurant and snack bar, 750 feet underground.

Model of the caves below.

View from our lunch stop on the way out.

Desert Willow RV Park. Do we feel small or what?

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