Saturday, March 8, 2014

Chiricahua National Monument, AZ

Friday, February 28 to Saturday, March 1, 2014

After another very quiet night at site 22 in the park, we were off for a morning hike on the Bonita Creek trail to the Stafford Cabin and the Faraway Ranch, both original sites of early settlers. After registering at the visitor centre for the free shuttle to the top of the mountain for the next day, we just happened to run into Ron and Patsy whom we met at Quartzite in January. How nice to see them again. They had a rental car and invited us to join them for the drive up the mountain to Massai Point. How lucky for us. After a few small hikes, lots of photo stops and then goodbyes, we enjoyed a meatloaf supper. The next morning it was iffy with the weather, the last of Titan's effects, weather we should do the long hike from the top back to camp, a 4.5 mile trip. We went for it an so glad we did, since it was a very spectacular hike. The wonderland of rocks was just amazing. Unlike anything we had seen before. Made it back to PeeWee just as the rain started. Perfect timing. Once on the road again, in pouring rain, we made our way to Deming for the night and to re-provision at Walmart, where we had stayed on our way down.

Feeling right at home with the familiar address

The space was just the perfect size. Ready for a BBQ.

Off on the Bonita Creek trail for a morning hike.

Nope, nobody home at the Stafford Cabbin.

All wired up

What a blue sky!

Hiked the riverbed back which has been dry for a long time.

This farmstead was established by Swedish immigrants.

Later it became a guest ranch.

The big ears gave him away

Funky natural art.

Our little hideaway. 

View from Massai Point in the park. The desert we drove to get here is in the background.

Very unique rock formations

The two of us with Patsy and Ron at the top

Taking refuge from the wind at the exhibit building on the mountain.

This rock formation resembles the profile of the Apache chief Conchise. Just tilt your head to see his.

A balancing act

Vivid colours

Let your imagination run wild

Some came tumbling down over the ages

Lichen accent the stone sculptures
Saturday, March 1, 2014

First early morning guest. Photo taken from bed.

The skies looked ominous, but we were spared the rain till the end of the hike back to camp.

Starting on the Echo Canyon Trail after being dropped off by the free shuttle service from the campground.

Don't fall now!

The trail led beside some great sights.

Taking in the view

A whole valley of stone spires 

Investigating the Grotto 


A honeycomb look

The path zig-zagged it's way down to the riverbed.

Every bend in the trail offered a visual surprise. Just stunning.

Remnants of a forest fire from 2011.

The trail out can be seen on the left mountain. 

What's around this bend?

Debris left from the last flash flood. Amazing how large the boulders moved by the water are.

The pace was picked up a notch since it started to drizzle. Made it back just before it became serious.
This was the most interesting hike to date. It sure felt like more than the 4.5 miles we did. 

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