Friday, March 21, 2014

Back to Louisiana and a tour of a Rum Distillery

Thursday, March 13, 2014

From Rollover Pass Bridge, we made our way back through Port Arthur, Texas and then made a stop at the Louisiana Visitor Centre for a map and to stretch our legs with a small hike at their swamp boardwalk. A great little stop. Spotted an ad for a rum distillery so took exit 48 off I-10 to get a sample or two. Louisiana Spirits, the largest private rum distillery in the US, is only a few years old, but they sure make excellent rums. They produce two products of Bayou Rum. Samples and the tour were free. Then checked into the Lakeview Park and Beach, which honoured the 50% discount with our Passport America membership. Took a walk around camp and finished the day with a pork chop BBQ outside under the stars.
Fishermen had their lines in the water before we were up.

Amazing how the tugs maneuver that many barges.

This canal from Galveston, connects with the refineries in Port Arthur, Texas

Armed with more info from the Louisiana Tourist Information Centre

Cypress trees draped in Spanish Moss along the swamp boardwalk

Those pointy things are referred to as the 'knobby knees' of the cypress tree.

Such a sunny warm day.

Spotted this guy along the water. Don't think he was poisonous.

Now for a fun stop.

Company truck meets PeeWee

The building was new but had exceptional quality wood work and beams, making it old in appearance.

Hey, you should have been here Kevin M., they let you pour your own samples! Naw, not really.
Very good quality.

The heart of the operation. Took the tour, but no photos were allowed, took this through the display glass.

They make a spiced and regular rum.

This large mural depicts life on a bayou.

Guess what's in the bag?

Home base for the night

We're tucked into the trees across the pond. They stock the pond with fish and open it to the public.

One of the last warm, sunny nights of our trip.

Supper is almost ready. 

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