Monday, September 15, 2014

Newfoundland - September 7/14 - Cape Spear

Sunday, September 7

After a wonderful time in St. John's, it was time to see Cape Spear.

Drove along the waterfront when leaving St. John's, and saw this cruise ship from Southampton, England that arrived in the morning. 

Looking back over the city

The Rooms dominate the skyline 

Much history on Cape Spear

We're standing at the most easterly point of North America, the closest to Europe.

That's some big gun barrel

Rusting away

Long passage way leading from underground

Everything would have been completely hidden from sea view


The original lighthouse perched high on the cliff

The newer active lighthouse

Overlooking the parking area with Signal Hill and the entrance to St. John's harbour in the distance (left).

Red chairs were seen all over Newfoundland

Lighthouse keeper residence, showing the flags used to signal St. John's

Supply room

Can't do without this

Sure was another windy and overcast day, but great for photography.

Signal Hill and entrance to St. John's

Made a stop in Petty Harbour

Just happened to come by at the right time, so took in the service.

Young children bringing in a small at start of ceremony

The whole service was dedicated to the hard life of the fishermen

Went down to the dock for the blessing of the boats in a downpour.

Minister holding the Ugly Stick, a Newfoundland thing.

Mural on building dedicated to the fishing industry

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