Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Newfoundland - September 13/14 - Leaving 'The Rock'

Saturday, September 13

The last two days have been fairly long travel days to make our way back to Port aux Basques. to take the ferry back to North Sydney, Nova Scotia. It has been a fabulous month of travel and exploration of the island. The friendly people and the amazing sights will always be remembered fondly.

Ready to board the ferry 

Amazing how many full sized trucks are onboard.

Making our way out of the harbour.

A very tight entrance to the harbour

Grace getting caught up on the journal. A very comfortable and modern ferry.

It certainly wasn't full at this time of the year and reservations weren't needed. Almost felt like a cruise ship.

Met the other ferry heading to Port aux Basques at the half way mark. It was a very comfortable crossing, but a very rough ride the day before, so glad we didn't leave then.

About to dock at North Sydney, Nova Scotia. The trip was just under six hours.

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