Sunday, September 14, 2014

Newfoundland - September 3-6/14 - St. John's

Wednesday, September 3

One last quick 4km hike and then on the road for a very uneventful day, ending at the day at Newman Sound National Park for the night.

A very lush, thick carpet of moss

Pretty sure these were edible, but Grace didn't want to test them.

Colourful boats

There were very few campers there. End of the season is coming.
Thursday, September 4

Another travel day with a few stops in between and ending at Butter Pot Provincial Park. Not too impressed with it and we did a hike that was not well marked and ended up back at PeeWee long after dark. Lucky there was a bright moon to see the trail.

Friday, September 5

It was time to tour the big city of St. John's, which had so much to offer.

Parked at the Geo Centre at Signal Hill and walked down, down, to downtown.

Took a look inside but didn't take time to see to movies and the exhibits. Such a nice day and didn't want to be indoors.

Came across a noon time concert at the waterfront, so enjoyed the local talent.

Talked to the crew of this boat and later found out that the skipper, Jim O'Conner (will have to check his info) is a renowned and respected world sailor and has written many sailing guides from around the world.

One of many large service vessels that tend the offshore drilling rigs.

A city with very steep passages and roads.

Colourful houses on Jelly Bean Row

What's the local entertainment?

Memorial Square

Made a trip to to Quidi Vidi Brewing Co., situated in the prettiest little harbour we have seen.

Lucky for this shaded spot

View from inside the Artisans Building at the end of the bay.

Local art and craft

Perfect little park for taking in the view

A very tight little entrance

This fisherman just came in and was filleting cod fish

Entrance to the little harbour from the ocean

On our way past the fisheman, we were asked if we would like to sample some cod that was just being deep-fried. How could we resist. Couldn't get it fresher that that. Wonderful taste. This family and friends were just so friendly that we had a great visit with them. 

Were asked if we liked cod and then proceeded to pack three large fillets in
a bag for us. What a generous gift. 

Such a friendly and happy lady but unfortunately it was very apparent she had Alzheimer's.

A relaxed bunch

Took in the brewery tour

It included sampling their five types of beer they brew

Now, how can I fit this on PeeWee?

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Thoroughly enjoyed this little piece of heaven.

The boat on the left was heading to the Bahamas and the other came from Kingston, Ontario.

Had supper right on the waterfront

Just like a painting

Spent the night at Pippy Park Campground, almost right in town.
 Saturday, September 6

Started our day with the local Saturday market in St. John's
You figure it out

Checking out the local produce

Colourful packages of soup

Time to tour The Rooms, which housed archives, an art gallery and a museum.

The building itself is a piece of art. It was three in the making.

An excellent WW1 exhibit and they were still looking for more
items and memories from it.

We visited the Twillingate Lighthouse as it is today, this was 1911.

View of St. John's harbour from The Rooms

View from the top of Signal Hill looking back into the city.

The first Trans-Atlantic radio transmission was made from here.

Lighthouse at the entrance to St. John's harbour

A oil rig service vessel

How windy was it, well these guys could almost fly. It was extremely windy and hard to walk.

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