Monday, August 20, 2012

Summer Sailing Holidays - 2012

Exploring the coast and bays around the eastern shoreline of Georgian Bay in the Parry Sound area, during the months of July and August, 2012.
Excellent weather,  abundance of wildlife and exploring the little bays and islands, made for a relaxing time. Met up with friends Kevin and Debbie M. during the holidays.

Daydreamer entering Crooked Island anchorage after getting much too personal with a rock ledge.
(photos of boat taken by Kevin)
A very shallow bay, one we haven't been to before.

Secure under anchor in 12 feet of water. This spot turned out to be one of our favorite anchorages, due to the secure and protected bay and the abundance of wildlife. Especially enjoyed the call of the Eastern
Whip-poor-will in the evening and during the night. 

Wasted no time for a swim in the warm water to inspect the keel. A little epoxy work is due.

It was time to inspect the repair work on the dinghy, which didn't hold. The tube and flooring was separating again. Not good, if you wanted to keep dry feet. (No, I didn't run it up the side.)
Taping it later on helped to keep it together for the rest of the trip.

July 19, 2012 - Welcome visitors at dusk. A Doe and then a young buck appeared just behind our stern in the anchorage at Crooked Island. 

 Blackie came out to the same spot as the deer, just minutes after they left. Have a feeling he might have been the reason. He was eating grasses.

 A lean year for the bears due to the drought conditions and lack of fruit. He made an appearance both times we anchored there.

A quiet anchorage just off the Small Craft Route in Five Mile Bay. A new and very private spot.

Grace not holding back on the UV rays.

Afternoon swim time for Kevin and Debbie.

After HUGE fish and chip dinner with Debbie and Kevin at Gilly's in Snug Harbour. They got two meals out of it, but I was too hungry to save any of the whitefish. Ate there at 5p.m. just before a long line formed.

Ready for a walk after dinner. Always feels good to stretch the legs.

 The arrival of the cruise ship the Yorktown was a big event for Parry Sound. About 200 people on board for the one week trip through the Great Lakes. 

Osprey nest along the Small Craft Route near Five Mile Bay. There were quite a few man-made platforms for the birds in many cottage areas. 

 Friends Dave and Linda from Winnipeg met up with us in Parry Sound for a two day visit. Enjoyed their travel adventure stories with their RV.

Parry Sound sunset as seen from Big Sound Marina.

 One of many loons that kept us company in anchorages. Very rewarding to hear them call during the evening or at night.

A snapping turtle around the boat didn't help when it came to swim time.

The dinghy needed some modification after tube separated from flooring, again! Got used to bailing.

Warm evening light at a quiet anchorage that we had to ourselves.

Spare ribs, mashed potatoes and the odd pea.

Amazing rock formation on an island near Snug Harbour.

So much rock variety on one small island. Would be nice to know the history of their formation.

Large orange lichen colony.

 Spree as seen during a heavy downpour, where the shore is invisible. Very intense but lucky it was somewhat short lived.

Spree under much calmer conditions in Snug Harbour.

 A tall ship making it's way through the tight passage at the Hole in the Wall at Huckleberry Island near Parry Sound.

 Evening reflection.

 Heavy rain makes the bay seem as if it's fogged in.

Plenty of rain in a short time.

 Buffy, our lonely Bufflehead duck that was always by himself in the anchorage. Felt sorry for him.

Hope it all dries out.